Hello Dear Human Being!

My name is Gabriela Fagundes. 

You may have met me in a hostel, in a conversation in a restaurant, in a training room, in the Possibility Management groups, in an encounter on the street, or in a university or school. Wherever you met me, for some reason or for no reason at all, you decided that you wanted to be part of my circle, to receive the juices and the creation that comes through me. You decided to join these letters that I have been writing since April 2022.

In those Letters I write about Living and Creating a Regenerative Culture, creating Archiarchy.

In my experience culture is created and experienced from stories, from the way we communicate, from the way we live, from the way we relate to children, to each other, from the way we relate to feelings, to food, to money, to the Earth, to resources. Culture comes from me, from you, in every interaction, every choice, every creation.

Archirchy is a culture that is rapidly emerging around the world, this culture is emerging from Archetypal Love. And Archetypal Love is radically responsible.

From time to time an e-mail will pop up in your mail box, overflowing legends about what it looks like in everyday life to create Archiarchy, what it takes to create a different Culture. I'll share my research and experience with you through articles, videos, trainings, events, experiments and poetry.

If you want to have a conversation with me, just hang out, ask for a specific type of training, explore opportunities to collaborate and create, or book one of my services, don't hesitate, contact me here.

Love, Gabriela Fagundes

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